KABARNET BRANCH: 02.05.2024 Venue: KIE Kabarnet Estate – Local Trade Officer Alex Insario No. of trees planted 402...
TALA BRANCH: 07.03.2024 Venue – Tala branch estate, planted by the staff only. 123 trees planted.
KITUI BRANCH: 16.05.2024 Venue: Mumoni Forest Mwingi Then CS. Forestry, Soipan Tuya Was Present and CS. Alfred Mutua N...
BUSIA BRANCH: 08.03.2024 Venue- Korinda Prison – Assistant Chief was present Number of trees planted – 200 ...
BOMET BRANCH: 10.05.2024 VENUE: Siongiroi Chepalungu Led by Mr. Omar, Bomet County Commissioner. 250 trees planted
Nyamira Branch Venue: KIE Nyamira – KIE Chairperson Ibucha Primary West Mugirango – led by CS. Florence Bore
ELDORET BRANCH: 13.11.2023 Venue: Kapsaret Primary – CS. S Chelugui Trees planted -2000 ...
KIE was thrilled to participate in the Kwale Boma Yangu event running all week until Mashujaa Day! Showcasing its valued...
Empowering Growth: KIE’s Role in the 24th EAC MSME Trade Fair and Its Benefits for Local Enterprises
Kenya Industrial Estates (KIE) recently participated in the official launch of the National Organising Committee (NOC) f...
Kenya Industrial Estates recently joined esteemed dignitaries, including the Cabinet Secretary for Cooperatives and MSME...