Kenya Industrial Estates Limited was established 44 years ago as a limited liability company (Companies Act, Cap 486) of the laws of Kenya to address indigenization of businesses, capital formation, regional dispersion of wealth, and exploitation of local resources.

This is achieved through provision of industrial sheds, subsidized credit and improvement of entrepreneurial skills to indigenous owned Micro, Small and Medium industries (MSMIs) with special focus on rural industrial development. Today, KIE LTD has 37 branches country wide, and is represented in almost every County.

KIE LTD has over the years supported more than 20,000 Kenyan entrepreneurs, over 16,000 of who have successfully exited from the programme. The institution has also constructed over 500 industrial sheds in 33 industrial estates.

In the process, over Kshs. 5 billion has been invested in the MSMI sector. Indeed, some of the prominent indigenous enterprises today enjoyed funding from KIE LTD through loans issued to micro, small and medium enterprises. KIE LTD is committed to incubating, financing and developing micro, small & medium industries countrywide.

Our Aim.

KIE'S Mandates.

  • Indigenize industrialization through exploitation of local resources – creating industries
  • Provide work space through development of industrial estates
  • Entrepreneurship development
  • Provide financial support and capital formation
  • Equitable regional dispersion of wealth – reduction of regional and urban / rural imbalances to stem rural – urban migration
  • Promote of economic growth
  • Poverty reduction through wealth creation
  • Creation of employment
  • Expansions/Modernization / Rehabilitation of Industries